Publikacje 2013:

M. Rybczyński and W. Florkowski,
Locally anisotropic momentum distributions of hadrons at freeze-out
in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Journal of Physics G 40, 025103 (2013)

W. Florkowski, R. Maj, R. Ryblewski and M. Strickland,
Hydrodynamics of anisotropic quark and gluon fluids,
Physical Review C 87, 034914 (2013)

W. Florkowski, M. Martinez, R. Ryblewski and M. Strickland,
Anisotropic hydrodynamics,
Nuclear Physics A 904-905, 803c (2013)

W. Florkowski, R. Ryblewski and M. Strickland,
Anisotropic hydrodynamics for rapidly expanding systems,
Nuclear Physics A 916, 249 (2013)

W. Florkowski, R. Ryblewski and M. Strickland,
Testing viscous and anisotropic hydrodynamics in an exactly solvable case,
Physical Review C 88, 024903 (2013)

R. Ryblewski and W. Florkowski,
Equilibration of anisotropic quark-gluon plasma produced by decays of color flux tubes,
Physical Review D 88, 034028 (2013)

W. Florkowski and R. Maj,
Mixture of anisotropic fluids,
Acta Physica Polonica B 44, 2003 (2013)

T. Kosztołowicz and K. D. Lewandowska,
Application of fractional differential in modelling the subdiffusion-reaction process,
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 8, 44 (2013)

T. Kosztołowicz, M. Piwnik, K.D. Lewandowska and T. Klinkosz,
The Solution to subdiffusion-reaction equation for the system
with one mobile and one static reactant
Acta Physica Polonica B 44, 967 (2013)

St. Mrówczyński,
Wigner functional of fermionic fields,
Physical Review D 87, 065026 (2013)

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