Publikacje 2004:

R. Maj and St. Mrówczyński,
Inaccurate use of asymptotic formulas,
American Journal of Physics 72, 922 (2004)

St. Mrówczyński, A. Rebhan and M. Strickland,
Hard-loop effective action for anisotropic plasmas,
Physical Review D 70, 025004 (2004)

C. Manuel and St. Mrówczyński,
Whitening of the quark-gluon plasma,
Physical Review D 70, 094019 (2004)

St. Mrówczyński, M. Rybczyński and Z. Włodarczyk,
Transverse momentum versus multiplicity fluctuations
in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
Physical Review C 70, 054906 (2004)

M. Gaździcki, St. Mrówczyński and M.I. Gorenstein,
Fluctuations and deconfinement phase transition
in nucleus-nucleus collisions
Physical Letters B 585, 115 (2004)

St. Mrówczyński and R. Maj,
Sum rule of the correlation function,
Nukleonika 49, Supplement 2, S27 (2004)

A. Baran, W. Broniowski and W. Florkowski,
Description of the particle ratios and transverse-momentum spectra for various centralities at RHIC in a single-freeze-out model,
Acta Physica Polonica B 35, 779 (2004)

W. Florkowski,
Schwinger tunneling mechanism and thermal character of hadron spectra,
Acta Physica Polonica B 35, 799 (2004)

W. Broniowski and W. Florkowski,
Resonance production in a thermal model,
Acta Physica Polonica B 35, 203 (2004)

W. Florkowski, P. Bożek and W. Broniowski,
Balance functions from a thermal model,
Acta Physica Hungarica A 21/1, 49 (2004)

W. Florkowski, W. Broniowski and P. Bozek,
Production of resonances in a thermal model: invariant mass Spectra and Balance Functions,
Journal of Physics G 30, S1321 (2004)

W. Broniowski, W. Florkowski and L. Glozman,
Update of the Hagedorn mass spectrum,
Physical Review D 70, 117503 (2004)

T. Kosztołowicz,
From the solutions of diffusion equation to the solutions of subdiffusive one,
Journal of Physics A 37, 0779 (2004)

Gaussian approximation to the condensation of an interacting Bose gas,
Laser Physics 14, 591 (2004)

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