Publications 2011:

R. Ryblewski and W. Florkowski,
Highly anisotropic and strongly dissipative hydrodynamics for early stages of relativistic heavy-ion collisions,
Physical Review C 83, 034907 (2011)

R. Ryblewski and W. Florkowski,
Non-boost-invariant motion of dissipative and highly anisotropic fluid,
Journal of Physics G 38, 015104 (2011)

R. Ryblewski and W. Florkowski,
Highly anisotropic hydrodynamics - discussion of the model assumptions and forms of the initial conditions,
Acta Physica Polonica B 42, 115 (2011)

R. Ryblewski and W. Florkowski,
Highly-anisotropic and strongly-dissipative hydrodynamics with transverse expansion,
European Physical Journal C 71, 1761 (2011)

W. Florkowski,
The realistic QCD equation of state in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and the early Universe,
Nuclear Physics A 853, 173 (2011)

M. Gaździcki, K. Grebieszkow, M. Maćkowiak and St. Mrówczyński,
Identity method to study chemical fluctuations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions,
Physical Review C 83, 054907 (2011)

T. Cetner, K. Grebieszkow and St. Mrówczyński,
Deciphering azimuthal correlations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions,
Physical Review C 83, 024905 (2011)

A. Czajka and St. Mrówczyński,
Collective excitations of supersymmetric plasma,
Physical Review D 83, 065021 (2011)

A. Czajka and St. Mrówczyński,
Collisional processes in supersymmetric plasma,
Physical Review D 84, 105020 (2011)

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