Division of Theoretical Physics
- Professor Stanisław Mrówczyński - head stanislaw.mrowczynski@fuw.edu.pl
- Professor Wojciech Florkowski, Prof. w.florkowski@ujk.kielce.pl
- Tadeusz Kosztołowicz, Ph.D with habilitation t.kosztolowicz@ujk.kielce.pl
- Alina Czajka, Ph.D czajka@ujk.edu.pl
- Radosław Maj, Ph.D, r.maj@ujk.kielce.pl
- Ewa Maksymiuk, M.Sc, Ph.D student, maksymiukewa@gmail.com
Division web page: http://www.ujk.kielce.pl/ifiz/zft/
The researches conducted in the Division concern the following areas:
Nuclear collisions at high-energies and physics of the quark-gluon plasma.
The maim goal of these studies is to formulate a theoretical description of the collisions which allows one to deduce the early characteristics of the collisions, when the system is hot and dense, from the experimentally available final state characteristics. - Quantum field theory, in particular the statistical field theory and the so-called non-perturbative methods.
The studies are focused on the equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems of quantum fields governed by Quantum Chromodynamics. - Transport phenomena in the membrane systems, in particular those of anomalous diffusion.
The main goal of these studies is to look for satisfactory mathematical models of the phenomena.