Division of Nuclear Physics
- Professor Zbigniew Włodarczyk - head z.wlodarczyk@ujk.kielce.pl
- Marek Gaździcki, Prof. marek.gazdzicki@cern.ch
- Peter Seyboth, Ph.D, pxs@mppmu.mpg.de
- Grzegorz Stefanek, Ph.D with habilitation, g.stefanek@ujk.kielce.pl
- Agnieszka Wojtaszek - Szwarc, Ph.D, a.wojtaszek@ujk.kielce.pl
Division web page: http://www.ujk.kielce.pl/ifiz/zfj/
High energy group - web page
Scientific activities:
- Heavy ion collisions at high energies
- Cosmic rays physics
Highlights are the data obtained in NA49 experiment at CERN.
The goal is to study the fluctuations and correlations in multiparticle production processes.
In non-accelerator region, the cosmic ray propagation in the atmosphere is study by Monte-Carlo simulation.
Theoretical models for multiproduction processes have been constructed and examining.