Division of Atomic Physics
- Professor Marek Pajek - head, m.pajek@ujk.kielce.pl
- Dariusz Banaś, Ph.D with habilitation, d.banas@ujk.kielce.pl
- Aldona Kubala-Kukuś, Ph.D, a.kubala-kukus@ujk.kielce.pl
- Łukasz Jabłoński, M.Sc, l.jablonski@ujk.edu.pl
- Daniel Sobota, M.Sc, technical staff, d.sobota@ujk.edu.pl
- Ilona Stabrawa, M.Sc, PH.D student, i.stabrawa@interia.pl
Division web page: http://www.ujk.kielce.pl/ifiz/zfa/
The activity of division is focused on the:
Physics of atomic collisions.
In the field of atomic collisions the experiments on inner-shell ionization and x-ray emission, including the multiple ionization process, are conducted using heavy ion beams of energy 0.1-30 MeV/n. The process of radiative recombination of highly charged ions with free electrons is studied at ion storage rings at the electron coolers. - Applications of x-ray spectroscopy.
The x-ray spectroscopy is applied to investigation of the trace elements in different materials. Researches are carried on using different techniques and x-ray sources, including the synchrotron radiation.